Friday, May 18, 2018

The Importance Of Titanium

Titanium is a very important mineral, owing to its weight which is both strong and light at the same time

 The metal is as tough as steel and twice as strong as aluminum.

Yet, it is 45% lighter than steel. Neither those the metal easily corrode

when in sea water. No wonder, it is used in propeller shafts, rigging and

other parts of boats that are exposed to sea water.

Titanium is widely used as a pigment in paint, in paper, and in plastics.

With the metals duality, it is no surprise that most aircraft parts are made

from it. It is also used in military applications, aircraft, spacecraft, medical

devices, connecting rods on expensive sports cars and some premium.

These are used in these industries specifically because her low weight and

resistance to high temperatures are important.

Humans, with loss of limbs, also use titanium. As the metal does not react

within the human body, it is also used for pins of setting bones and for

other biological implants. Ilmenite and Rutile are the most important

sources of titanium and contribute to about 90% of Titanium production in

a year .
       Rutile mining and Ilmenite mining. They are based in the southern

state Tamil Nadu in India. By industry standards they are the leaders in the

heavy mineral mining industry.